3740 SW Comus Street
Portland, OR 97219
ph: 503-245-5756
fax: 503-245-5773
CMAP strives to further the cause of community radio programming. We work to identify and assist local, community organizations to be aware of opportunities to apply for non-commercial radio stations, and then help them through the process of submitting an application, and through the build process.
The goal is to provide broadcast services to underserved voices and audiences, reflecting values of peace, environmental protection, diversity and human rights.”
The Tecnical Advisor is Michael Brown of Brown Broadcast Services.
Michael Brown and Betty McArdle
Copyright 2009 Community Media Assistance Project. All rights reserved.
3740 SW Comus Street
Portland, OR 97219
ph: 503-245-5756
fax: 503-245-5773