3740 SW Comus Street
Portland, OR 97219
ph: 503-245-5756
fax: 503-245-5773
On the Call: Betty McArdle, Michael Brown, Peter Franck, Clay Leander, Jim Ellinger, Michi Bradley, Tom Voorhees, Al Davis
Meeting Etiquette: Please announce your name when you speak, mute when not talking. How can we not talk over each other so much. Michael B has been investigating other possible means of “taking turns” speaking but so far he has only found ones that are about $25 per month. He’s looking for a no-cost method to “raise your hand” electronically. If anyone has any ideas let Michael know. Peter has an idea but will need to look up the exact name of the company. With that one, you log on to your computer and your phone. It does allow you to “raise your hand” on the chat section on the computer. Peter also said that he has been on calls (also including your computer) where the screen has a “stack” area. You click stack, your name goes on the list and you shut up until you are called on. Peter and Michael will talk off this call about these possible systems.
FCC Updates: Michi: Still waiting for the publication of final rules for MB Docket 19-3. Once that happens some immediate changes include: the lifting of the three year holding period for LPFMs.
Comment due dates for January: MB Docket 19-310 – duplication of programming on full-service stations. The changes would allow more duplication of the same programming in the same market. Comment due date is Jan. 22; reply comment date of Feb 6. Same date the FCC will be re-opening the record on the infamous Franken FM.
Potential up-coming window: Nothing official but it appears to be getting closer. Michi is thinking late 2020 or early 2021. Michi says MB 19-3 rule changes will give some second chance opportunities to 2007 applicants who lost their chance for a CP on points. She says that the possible times for the next window is purely speculation on her part based on conversations she has had with FCC staff. It’s not too early to be prepared for whenever the window does get announced. One indication that a window will be coming is an application freeze.
Auction 106 Shortform opening on Jan. 29 – commercial allotments.
Michi: Lots of LMS issues. Old records that were superseded in CDBS are not being “switched off”. For those of you who do channel searches, be sure to triple check your work – there might be channels out there that you do not find right away.
Michael: asked when the 73.525 Sunset will occur (FM protection of TV channel 6). Michi said June or July of 2021.
Al: Just a reminder of how it was in the 2007 window – mostly it was a blood bath. He said the regional religious broadcasters were the big winners. Essentially the rules have not changed for the next window. Since the rules favored whoever had the most money and who could build the biggest station, we are looking at a repeat.
Copyright 2009 Community Media Assistance Project. All rights reserved.
3740 SW Comus Street
Portland, OR 97219
ph: 503-245-5756
fax: 503-245-5773