3740 SW Comus Street
Portland, OR 97219
ph: 503-245-5756
fax: 503-245-5773
Radio for People
July 14, 2020
On the Call: Betty McArdle, Michael Brown, Michael Richards, Clay Leander, John Halpin, Kelly Warren, Matt Laubach, Michi Bradley, Peter Franck, Tom Voorhees, Jim Ellinger, Paul O’Rouke Babb, Al Davis
FCC Actions: Michi reported that yesterday’s Federal Register implemented a couple of rules: MB Docket 19193, sharing of EAS decoders – if you are a time-shared LPFM station where more than one licensee is at the same exact transmitter site, you can share EAS decoders. The new Channel 6 protection rules have gone into effect. If your station is short-spaced to a Channel 6 station, if you can get a letter of consent from them that rule will be waived. Boosters are now codified (previously were done only on a waiver basis). The three-year hold rule is still in effect for assignments. Still waiting on directional antennas. Still waiting on silent stations rules which are in the OMB phase. Once those rules come out of OMB stations going silent will need to file notice within 30 days. Michi does not expect the rules at OMB to come out until toward the end of the fourth quarter.
Tom posted a list of 14 allotments that have gone back to the table of allotments. Michi said those are allotments where maybe a group got a construction permit but never built, or a similar situation. Two of the allotments are reserved for non-commercial use, and will eventually be available in a Filing Window (like 2010).
FCC Issues: This could be a huge issue for LPFMs: RM11858, Broadcasters for Limited Program Origination petition. FM translators would be able to broadcast up to 40 hrs/week of locally originated programming. This sounds good BUT the other half of this petition proposes to allow FM translators to be placed on a fill-in basis out to 45db of the primary station. Michi says this would have negative implications for LPFM and the AM revitalization translators. This is to only benefit FM, in particular HD. Michi says this proposal undermines rural radio. Michi says this is the main issue with this petition. There is an article on the rec net site, recnet.com, that goes into more detail on this. Comments are due July 23rd. If this petition concerns you, Michi encourages you to submit comments. It’s being called a major threat to LPFM. (See separate email with information about Radio for People potentially filing comments.)
The LMS system continues to be a huge problem. Many instances of problems were related…. Be sure to double check CDBS when you make changes via LMS. The system is not always making those changes across systems. Michi said the FCC needs to have a user forum/Zoom meeting to go over what works and what doesn’t.
Clay: Another problem with LMS is it doesn’t properly convert NAD27 to NAD83. Also, not able to properly file auxiliary applications. FCC staff persons have been frustrated with LMS as well. The problem lies with the outsourced company that built LMS.
Michael Brown (MB) reminded all that the quarterly issues programs lists are due for the 1st and 2nd quarters right now! Don’t let this ride, the FCC is looking at these. This is for full-power only.
The FCC office is closed. The new office will not open until late August. At this time there is no FCC office.
There is a boom in booster applications.
REC is taking a strong stand in opposition to RM11858. The main objection is allowing so much originating programming without all the rules and even more strongly, the allowing of interference out to the 45db contour of the host commercial station.
Supporting REC’s filing: Tom asked if the Radio for People Coalition is taking a stand on this issue. Clay said he thought it would be a good idea to somehow show our support for what REC is proposing. Peter agreed that RfP should do this.
Betty proposed an idea: She has a list of those who have participated in a RfP call in the last several years. She can write up what we are asking for, send out an email to that list asking if they would approve of signing on as RfP. Peter asked that the email list be limited to those who have participated in the last 12 months. Betty would ask Michi’s help with language. Michi replied that the language already exists at the REC site, at https://recnet.com/node/3112 . That’s a bit too much language to put in an email, so Betty will write the email with the highlights and give the above URL for those who wish to read the full article. Tom asked if the full article can be posted to the list. Michi gave her permission for Betty to post it. Betty will post the article.
Comments are due by July 23!!!
Michi also said that the more names the better expressing support. The petition filers had 35 names. Perhaps you would rather sign on as individuals, or individual stations, or your own organization. And maybe as the full Radio for People Coalition as well. Michi said that not all agree with what REC proposes. Maybe you are one of those who object to some of what REC is proposing. Perhaps you could pick out the parts you do agree with and write your own filing.
Michi and Clay spoke about asking NFCB to sign on to this filing. They have supported Radio for People filings before.
Clay said he thinks a person with the LPFM Coalition that has been supportive in the past might be willing to sign on. This petition for rule-making directly affects LPFM stations.
Stations Updates:
WBPA, Boston, City of Boston has been given an extension of their power increase.
KBUU, a Malibu CA station, also on an STA on power increase, still waiting for a decision on their STA that would allow them to continue to rebroadcast KCRW at times.
GRC 2020 Update: Ursula gave an update. The host station wants to make it a Zoom conference rather than a physical in-person conference, with a series of workshops. On Thursday, July 23, there will be a brain-storming session. If you would like to be part of that brain-storming session contact Ursula, ursula@pacifica.org, and she will make sure you have a link to that meeting. Reminder: WXOX has a survey on-line that asks a lot of questions about GRC.
Tom congratulated Ursula (Pacifica Affiliates Program) on the program becoming a full business unit of Pacifica. Ursula said it was a long struggle but it really feels good. Yahoos all around!!
Next meeting: Tuesday, August 11, 11:00am PDT, 2pm EDT
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Portland, OR 97219
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