3740 SW Comus Street
Portland, OR 97219
ph: 503-245-5756
fax: 503-245-5773
Radio for People Notes
August 11, 2020
On the Call: Jim Ellinger, Betty McArdle, Tom Voorhees, David Klann, Jim Costello, Michi Bradley, Clay Leander, Michael Brown, Al Davis, Don Campau, Bruce Greif
FCC Stuff: Discussion on transmitters that are not certified. A big problem is that there is a flood of transmitters built in China, shipped to the U.S. and stored in Amazon warehouses. The FCC and the FTC need to stop the import of cheap transmitters that are not certified and not supposed to be used.
Michael Brown told that it looks like the NCE window will be first. Michi had a conversation with Al Shuldiner asking if any upcoming NCE window would be a reserve band or vacant allotment window. She also said that she knows of several LPFMs that are interested in moving up to full power. We are waiting for enactment of the rules from a couple of recent R&Os. Michi filed comments having to do with directional antennas and the protection of LPFM stations by translators once the new rules go into effect.
Betty gave a couple of comments on the possibility of an upcoming window. With the pandemic who knows what organizations will be able to apply for and build a station. They are having enough trouble raising funds to keep someone on their payroll. Also, the FCC has not yet completed moving into their new building. That kind of move takes some time.
Michael B asked if anyone on the call had heard anything about a possible window before the end of the year. Michael Couzens said that at the end of July there were wholesale changes in staff in the chairman’s office. And, O’Riley’s nomination was cleared by the Senate committee but then withdrawn. He said he would be astounded if anything happens or is even announced before the election. Michi added after the election we need to make sure the Biden administration makes Jessica Rosenworcel the acting chairperson until the end of her term. Michi also said the FCC might announce a filing freeze at the end of this year, but does not expect there to be a window during 2020.
Once there is an NCE window, LPFMs can apply for a full-power station but must promise to divest themselves of the LPFM if they are granted a full-power CP.
David asked if anyone has an idea of how many frequencies are going to be available. Michi and Michael said urban areas have VERY few options. In the boonies there are a lot. REC has a tool, https://recnet.com/nce-search. Put in an address and the tool does a little search for frequencies nearby.
Parking lot drive-ins: Pop-up drive-in movie theaters using “Part 15” transmitters. Be aware that it is possible your station will suffer interference from these transmitters. Jim Ellinger said in Austin similar things are happening: drive-up rock concerts, church services, etc. Don talked about music concerts drive-ins. Clay shared that a station he is working with in the Bay Area is toying with the idea of getting a flat bed truck, put a live band on it and drive around promoting the station getting back on the air. Betty is working with the film center in Portland which is producing a drive-in theater showing some classics paired with locally made short films.
Stations Updates:
WVQR, Vieques P.R.: Going back on the air with an STA at their studio location.
Don, KOWS in Sonoma County, asked the others how many of their DJs are coming in, or submitting audio, and how much they have gone with automation. Responses ranged from nearly everyone coming in while observing social distancing and wearing masks to stations where nearly no one is coming in in person. Don said he hasn’t been to his own station in 5 months; he runs it from his home computer.
Al said WOIX, Roxbury NY, is doing all live from the studio. Other stations are doing a variety of versions of programming at home/coming to the studio.
David working with KSAI, Minneapolis
GRC2020 update: Betty reported that the dates will be October 9, 10. 11. Virtual Sessions will focus on three areas:
The Pandemic: How to Broadcast Safely & Responsibly
The Protests: Amplifying Justice & Equality for All
The President: Energizing the Electorate Through the FM Dial
Go to http://virtualgrc.org/ for the latest news and to propose a session.
There was a discussion of how the FCC is so understaffed and enforcement actions they take are complaint driven. Also the FCC is most concerned about activities that can affect aviation, that could crash planes.
Discussion of Lorenzo Milam memorial. Tom also asked about Jeremy Lansman.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 15, 11:00am PDT – NOTE different week
Copyright 2009 Community Media Assistance Project. All rights reserved.
3740 SW Comus Street
Portland, OR 97219
ph: 503-245-5756
fax: 503-245-5773