3740 SW Comus Street
Portland, OR 97219
ph: 503-245-5756
fax: 503-245-5773
On the Call: Lauree McArdle, Betty McArdle, Michael Brown, Peter Franck, Jim Ellinger, Carol Pierson, Michi Brandley, Bruce (volunteer with WBAI), Caitlin Reading, Al Davis, Jim Costello, LaGanzie Kale,
Malawi, Austin Airwaves: Reviewed the project to put on a radio station in Malawi, north of Mozambique. Details on this project have appeared in previous Radio for People notes. Things were going well but Covid-19 put everything on the skids. Due to all the closed things and travel clamp downs the Malawi Project has been suspended. The equipment that has been purchased from Dominican Republic will eventually be shipped to Malawi. But the Austin Airwaves people will likely not be going there to help with the construction. Jim Ellinger promises that Austin Airwaves will be back with another outstanding project. Stay tuned.
Louisville GRC: Ellinger reported that there has been no change in plans that he has heard about. He thinks that if the Covid-19 thing isn’t over and we are all going to conferences and hugging again, there won’t be a GRC in 2020. This is not official.
Stations’ Updates: None were stated.
Michael Richards reviewed a test case. There’s an interesting item about how the FCC’s processing the old translator interference problems. This case involved two commercial stations. Michael R says this case gives a good road map and guide of what to do, and what not to do, in these cases.
GRC 2020: MB asked if a deadline to make a decision has been established. MB thinks that deadline should be within 90 days of that date. The tentative date(s) is . Jim E does not know if a deadline has been set but will contact the organizers
Covid-19 issues: MB reminded us last month that he was trying to start an initiative of PSAs regarding Covid-19 through Oregon Community Media (OCM). It looks like many stations ramped up quite quickly with their own programming. Tips were widely disseminated on a variety of platforms. The PSA s project has been sidelined.
FCC Updates: Michi: A draft R&O has been circulated – LPFM technical changes. The FCC will be voting on it later this month. Summary of the R&O: completely kill LP250; kill the translator relief concept. FCC is not in favor of anything that involves contour studies. The FCC has come up with a different definition of LCRA. Michi ran some numbers and found some impressive upgrade opportunities, especially in the rural areas – basically starting at market 76 and down from there. There will be some opportunities for upgrades 1-75 but not nearly as many as for 76 and down.
After some studies, Michi came back with a concept for Simple 250. Same rules as for LP100, but with different numbers. She further stated that there does not need to be rules allowing LPFMs to use directional attenas. There are only two occasions when a DA might be needed: international areas and Channel 6 protection (now pretty rare). On those occasions the LPFM can request a waiver.
There was agreement that LPFMs should not have to go through anything (antenna-wise) that translators don’t have to go through. And, drop the requirement for the Proof of Performance and the survey. Make the rules for LPFM consistent with those for translators. The FCC wants to keep LPFM from being complex; keep the spirit of LPFM “simple”.
LaGanzie asked if a station would not qualify for the full 250, would it be possible they could qualify for perhaps 150 or 200 watts? For some stations, KLEK included, some increase would be better than none. Michi replied that that was exactly what the FCC rejected. That would be complex and the FCC wanted simplicity.
Peter Franck asked if anyone knows if the Biden or Sanders campaign has any language or policy dealing with our issues. Would finding out be a project any of us would want to take on? Or, maybe the LPFM Coalition is already keeping track of that? Michi reminded us that LPFM is a bi-partisan issue.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 12, 11:00 PDT
Copyright 2009 Community Media Assistance Project. All rights reserved.
3740 SW Comus Street
Portland, OR 97219
ph: 503-245-5756
fax: 503-245-5773