3740 SW Comus Street
Portland, OR 97219
ph: 503-245-5756
fax: 503-245-5773
On the Call: Betty McArdle, Tom Voorhees, Jim Costello, Michi Bradley, Michael Brown, Michael
Couzens, Lauree McArdle, Michael Richards, Peter Franck, Al Davis, Clay Leander, Caitlin Reading
FCC Stuff:
Michi: Quiet month at the FCC. Secondary grants decision on MX, petition for reconsideration filed by Couzens/Korn re: addressing what happens. Article on Recnet. Essentially, if there is an MX group, all the unqualified apps are culled out and you are left with the winner plus another app way at the end of the daisy chain – why cannot the far away one get a station?
Proposal for rule‐making regarding origination of programming from outside the U.S.
Still waiting for word on an NCE window.
Al: secondary grants: 2007 window he had a couple of cases. Certain lawyers are the champions of this.
If you can remove an applicant in the middle of the daisy chain, then you have two groups not chained
together, hence two awards – bifurcation. The winner can buy off others in the daisy chain. And, the big winner chooses the secondary grants.
Clay said over the years since the first LPFM window, the FCC has changed their dismissal procedure. Earlier, the FCC would dismiss poor apps early on giving those applicants a chance to “fix” their app and re‐file.
Michael Couzens: pointed out that we are less likely to have daisy chains with LPFMs simply because
they are low power and don’t reach very far.
Couzens: In 2013 he circulated a document called “Points on the Point System”. The updated version
should be ready in a couple of weeks and he will circulate it.
Michael Brown: asked what is happening with Commissioner O’Reilly? Will we have only four
commissioners for awhile? Michi said O’Reilly will serve out his term until the first business day in
January and then we don’t know.
Stations Updates:
Clay said There has been a re‐launch of KSVJ FM in Tracy CA
Tom said KSTF did not burn down and is back on the air.
Tom said Todd Urrick’s translator has been approved by the Forest Service. It is in LA at the KPFK
transmitter site on Mt. Wilson.
Lauree gave a quick update on WERA: Things changed with their building owner and they are looking for a new space for their studio. Their transmitter and antenna are not affected. Their programmers are working from home; no one in the studio. Some problems with interference from a translator on the west end of their coverage area.
Michael B said there is a record number of silent FM stations nationwide right now. Some because of
the fires; others because of covid and the economy.
Peter asked how many LPFMs there are on the air right now. Michi said about 2,800.
How the fires have been affecting stations:
Jim Costello said The Porter Canyon fire burned to the hills across the street.
The Fresno station is back on the air. In their case the generator didn’t start, ran out of fuel.
LPFM in Mill City OR just escaped a fire but the station manager’s house burned down a few miles away.
GRC2020 update: Betty reported that the dates will be October 9, 10, 11. Virtual Sessions will focus
on three areas:
GRC2020 Update:
Betty reported that the dates will be October 9, 10, 11. Virtual Sessions will focus
on three areas:
The Pandemic: How to Broadcast Safely & Responsibly
The Protests: Amplifying Justice & Equality for All
The President: Energizing the Electorate Through the FM Dial
The list of speakers and the schedule have been published. Go to http://virtualgrc.org/ for the latest
news. The proposal deadline has passed.
Outreach for the next window:
Michael B said that he and Betty have been discussing concentrating on LPFMs that could “trade up” during the upcoming NCE window. Also, those who lost on points in the 2007 window.
Michael B and Michi think that will also include the 2010 window.
The other thing we (Michael B and Betty) have been discussing is, in 2007 NFCB and other groups
informally lobbied the FCC to give us six months advance notice of an upcoming window.
Michael B asked those on the call if RfP should be informally lobbying the FCC for a big notice? Maybe not six months, but at least 90 day.
Michi pointed out that the last LPFM window notice was 90 days. She also pointed out that at that notice there was instituted a freeze. She is concerned that if a window is announced six months ahead and there is some time before the freeze, there could be last minute jockeying going on. Usually, the freeze takes effect the next day.
Remember the old lobbying rule – “Ask for more than you want, and then compromise down to what
you wanted in the first place.”
We are still waiting for the OMB approval of the rule changes; that is the hold‐up right now.
Michi says the FCC won’t tell her if the window is going to be for reserved band or allotments.
Michi and Michael B will call Al S at the FCC to express our desire for 90 days.
Betty asked to meet with Michi about CPs that were never built, or went silent after being built. CMAP
is planning a targeted outreach project to those organizations, plus participants in the 2007 MX groups that were not awarded a CP. They will have a tie‐breaker, a point. The point could be a sales pitch. Lauree will join in that call as well.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 11:00am PDT
Copyright 2009 Community Media Assistance Project. All rights reserved.
3740 SW Comus Street
Portland, OR 97219
ph: 503-245-5756
fax: 503-245-5773